Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Post ACL surgery - 8 days on.

So last Monday June 4th, I had my ACL surgery. I was really nervous about it before hand. I didn't sleep well on the Sunday night. Early on Monday morning, I grabbed a taxi to the hospital and checked in. The ward staff thought I was scheduled for 9am surgery but when they realized it was 8am, there was a mad rush. I sadly had to remove my nail polish that was only a day and a half old! Then I was wheeled down to theatre. It reminded me of when Alex broke his arm as it was the same hospital and theatre area. I spoke with the anaethetist and signed my life away and then I was under (after the doc drawing with magic marker on my knee), I was relieved as I wouldn't want them to get the wrong one! I woke up in recovery around 11 and was desperately thirsty. I have a recollection of them giving me a syringe of water! I was wheeled back to my room - private room and loads nicer than Mount E where I had day surgery in Feb! I was so tired, I kept thinking I should call Gary but the urge to sleep was overwhelming. I eventually woke up at 1pm. No pain! Excellent! I had a sandwich and a cup of Milo and then a bit later the surgeon came in. He said the op had gone well and I would be free to go after the physio came. The physio arrived a bit later. She was this tiny young girl. She went over a few exercises, put my brace on and it was time to try out the crutches. I didn't realize my leg was still very numb, I stood up and went sideways nearly bowling the poor physio over! Whoa, that wasn't supposed to happen. Take 2 was a lot better. I got home around 4pm and spent a very comfortable night in my own bed. Yay for day surgery. On Tuesday, I was hobbling around with my crutches. On Wednesday, I went to get the bandage off and they redressed all of the wounds. I was slowly getting feeling back but I think the anaethetist was a bit heavy handed! On Thursday I went to see my physio. He had me off my crutches that morning. On Friday, I was walking a lot more and reasonably well. Today (day 8), I got a bit of pain and stiffness in my knee. I think this is normal, also my hamstring is a bit sore. But it's not at all bad. I was so worried about how I would cope post surgery, but it has been way better than I expected. I am so glad! So now it's the long rehab. Exercises every day and no biking for 6 weeks, no running for 5 months, no skiing for 8 months. Hmmmm, I wonder if trapeze would be allowed when we go to Bintan in 5 weeks?


  1. Glad it all went well ..... just dont overdo it now!! L xx

  2. Thanks Leone. I think I did at first, but staying at home all day today working from the couch to rest a little.
